Metro SenWest Initiative

Media Development Project


Cast a wide gospel net through social media and radio.

Young people in Africa are drawn to social media sites like Facebook. Focused ads need developing to connect interested Muslims with a clear and appealing website where they can learn more about the Bible and Jesus. Then they can connect online with a Christian from their language and cultural background.

Many new Christian radio programs need to be written and shaped. Native speakers will then be employed to record the programs for radio broadcasts. Then airtime must be purchased in cities around the country for long-term broadcasting.

About SUPPORT THE Media Development Project

The people & the place

Few West African Muslims know what the Bible teaches. Many believe the Bible has been corrupted and Muslims should avoid the Bible because it might lead them astray.  There are few evangelical Christians in this country where 95% of the population is Muslim and almost 5% are Roman Catholic. Among the most cost-effective ways to reach Senegal’s 16 million people are radio broadcasts and social media ads. Millions of villagers do not have electricity or televisions, but every adult listens to a small battery-powered radio. Christian radio programs in local African languages reach a large and widespread audience.


Stories of Impact

“Do you recognize me?”
*Abdou paid the $3 fare and squeezed into the back seat of a worn French Peugeot station wagon to head to his 51 — a 30-minute ride away....
Dying of Fear
“Nday Cham! Nday Cham!” A voice called out from just behind the car as we slowly passed by. We were new in this city, so how did this per...

Global Workers

51 global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.

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Brad & Deb M.
Senegal, Africa
Help Brad and Deb ignite a disciple making movement among the unreached Wolof and Peul of Sénégal.