Metro SenWest Initiative



In partnership with two other missions, we offer professional-grade programs in English acquisition and proficiency at an English center just off campus. The center provides opportunities to engage and build 51s with the next generation of the country's leaders. Our goal is to sow the Word broadly and invite students to study the Bible with us.

We also conduct weeklong English camps where churches send small teams to assist.

This project funds operational expenses for the English center.

About SUPPORT THE University Student Outreach Project

The people & the place

There are tens of thousands of university students from Senegal and all over Francophone Africa studying in the capital city of Dakar. Many of these students require a proficiency in English for their degrees.


Stories of Impact

“Do you recognize me?”
*Abdou paid the $3 fare and squeezed into the back seat of a worn French Peugeot station wagon to head to his 51 — a 30-minute ride away....
Dying of Fear
“Nday Cham! Nday Cham!” A voice called out from just behind the car as we slowly passed by. We were new in this city, so how did this per...

Global Workers

51 global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.

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Bill & Kathy M.
West Africa
Help Bill and Kathy as they work to ignite a gospel movement among the peoples of Sénégal, West Africa.