The need for quality education is being met through establishing a Christian primary school. The school will be a service to the community and a way for teachers to introduce Jesus to the students and their parents. It will also serve as a community center, with English classes offered to adults, leading to the Gospel.
This project fund will enable the team to buy a large house to serve as the school building and complete the construction of classrooms, along with additional outreach ministries.

The people & the place
In conjunction with 51 and another mission, Pastor AD and his team are living and serving in Keur Massar, a burgeoning poor suburb of Dakar. They are reaching into this Wolof-speaking community through a variety of access ministries, such as neighborhood sewing classes, nutrition programs and open-air Bible teaching.

Stories of Impact
“Do you recognize me?”
Dying of Fear
Global Workers
51 global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.