
Brad & Deb M.

Senegal, Africa
Status: On field
ID: 177006

Help Brad and Deb ignite a disciple making movement among the unreached Wolof and Peul of Sénégal.

Monthly funding progress: 100%
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Brad and Deb are long-term 51ÂÜÀò missionaries in Senegal. They served twelve years in a rural Muslim context but are now project leaders in an urban setting in the Metro SenWest Initiative.

Their ministry is focused on the unreached and respectfully resistant Wolof and Fulani people groups. There are fewer than 500 Christians among 10 million Wolof and Fulani living in Senegal.

The ministry goal for Brad and Deb is to ignite a Disciple Making Movement (DMM). They:

  • Encourage intercessory prayer
  • Engage with Muslim men and women in ways that lead to spiritual and discovery conversations
  • Seek people of peace who will invite their family, friends and neighbors to discover God through his Word
  • Facilitate discovery Bible studies (DBS), a simple, easily reproducible way for people to discover for themselves who God is through his Word
  • Train and coach Sénégalese Christians in DMM principles and practices so they can lead DBS groups
  • Develop new media resources to share the gospel message more broadly

Metro SenWest Initiative V¾±²õ¾±´Ç²Ô

We are asking God for 5% of Senegal urban triangle 
to become reproducing disciples of Jesus 
with emphasis on the unreached Wolof and Fulani.

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Africa Silhouette and 3-city Inset
Senegal, Africa //

Senegal’s growing urban triangle is expected to be 51ÂÜÀò to 60% of the country’s population by 2030 and 75% by 2050.

Personal ministry funds

Donate to a missionary to help provide specific tools and equipment needed to advance local ministry.
Muslim Cemetery
Protestant Cemetery
Vocational Training
Hopital Barthimee-sm
Christian Hospital Outreach
Building Tomorrow Today Scholarships
Disciple Training
Media Development
Updates & progress
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