Metro SenWest Initiative

Christian Hospital Outreach Project


Competent health care offered with Christian love demonstrates to Muslims the grace and mercy of Jesus. At Hôpital Barthimée, Muslims encounter Christian doctors and hospital staff. Chaplains pray with patients and comfort them with Scripture, while always on the lookout for Muslims open to hearing more of the Bible and more about Jesus.

This project finances a Christian chaplain, supports a fund for the poorest patients who cannot pay for their health care, and buys much needed equipment to diagnose and treat patients.

About SUPPORT THE Christian Hospital Outreach Project
Doctor praying

The people & the place

Hôpital Barthimée is a small Christian hospital providing quality health care in a low-income Muslim community in Thies, the third largest city in Senegal, Africa.


Stories of Impact

“Do you recognize me?”
*Abdou paid the $3 fare and squeezed into the back seat of a worn French Peugeot station wagon to head to his 51 — a 30-minute ride away....
Dying of Fear
“Nday Cham! Nday Cham!” A voice called out from just behind the car as we slowly passed by. We were new in this city, so how did this per...

Global Workers

51 global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.

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Brad & Deb M.
Senegal, Africa
Help Brad and Deb ignite a disciple making movement among the unreached Wolof and Peul of Sénégal.