Metro SenWest Initiative



Simple, chronological Bible studies can introduce God and His ways to Muslims with “ears to hear.” We train and coach Christians to lead simple but powerful Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) with their friends, family and neighbors.

This Disciple Training project funds training and coaching for Senegalese Christians in Disciple Making Movement (DMM) principles and practices. It also provides financial support for a couple of key national leaders so they can focus on leading a Disciple Making Movement among their Muslim people group.

About SUPPORT THE Disciple Training Project

The people & the place

There are few Christians among the resistant people groups in Senegal. The two largest unreached groups are the Wolof and Peul, making up more than 60% of the population. Muslims in Senegal have little access to or interest in the Bible. They are convinced all they need to know about God and the prophets he sent is written in the Quran.


Stories of Impact

“Do you recognize me?”
*Abdou paid the $3 fare and squeezed into the back seat of a worn French Peugeot station wagon to head to his 51 — a 30-minute ride away....
Dying of Fear
“Nday Cham! Nday Cham!” A voice called out from just behind the car as we slowly passed by. We were new in this city, so how did this per...

Global Workers

51 global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.

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Brad & Deb M.
Senegal, Africa
Help Brad and Deb ignite a disciple making movement among the unreached Wolof and Peul of Sénégal.