Thailand Initiative


July Newsletter

Dustin & Melissa Leland

51蹤獲 Global Worker

  • Jul 8 2021
  • //
  • Thailand Initiative

So Much too Learn

Well this last month was filled with learning. Learning the language, learning about the culture, and learning how to drive on the OTHER side of the road. The first step was learning not to say the WRONG side of the road but the other side. Its not wrong its just different, and boy is it different. The first time I drove here in Thailand was a 14 passenger van with a manual transmission. Driving on the other side of the road, sitting on the other side of the car, and shifting with my left hand all made for a more challenging drive than I have experienced for quite some time. But driving is driving and eventually you get the hang of it. Since God called us into this ministry I have found myself in many different driving conditions than I am used to; open range in Wyoming (if you hit a cow you just bought it), freeways in the middle of L.A., snowstorms in Minnesota, etc. so it only makes sense that I would find my self sitting on the other side of the car, driving on the other side of the road.    

Because I am an expert now we decided to purchase a vehicle last week from another missionary family that is returning 51蹤獲. We have been enjoying our new freedom, using our car to get out and explore beyond the range of our bicycles. And being able to do it in airconditioned comfort is a nice bonus. We went to a nice park and found a cool waterfall to swim in!

This month will be our fourth month here in Thailand, the time goes by so fast. We just had our module 2 check for language learning and are both pleased with our progress. The kids are learning the Thai alphabet and are pointing out Thai characters on billboards and signs. Its fun to see them learning Thai! Speaking of going by fast, Melissa and I celebrate our ninth wedding anniversary this month as well. God has done so much in our lives over these past nine years. 

We are learning patience here as most things take longer and involve more paperwork. Even purchasing a vehicle takes multiple trips to the transportation office, immigration, and multiple days. (its still not completely finished)The OMF staff here has been very helpful in all of these small details that we have encountered.

We have heard that most Covid restrictions are being lifted in the States and we are excited for you guys. We hope that you all have an awesome summer and know that you are in our prayers! 


We value all of you that have partnered with us in prayer and financially. We would love to be in prayer for you and welcome your prayer requests.

Praise For:
  • A vehicle
  • Awesome Thai Teachers
  • Good Health
  •  Our kids transitioning well

Prayer For:
  • Language learning
  • Adjusting to a different life
  • Open borders for Thailand (and other countries) so they start letting more missionaries in
  • Covid cases to go down 
Top left picture: Family time!  Top Right pic: A cool old Thai house that has been restored. Middle left pic: Felicity climbing our gate. Middle right pic: Adela  making swim caps look cool (they are required here).  Middle left pic: Torrential downpours are a great time to get on swimsuits and ride bikes. Middle right pic: Felicity joining in the rainy day fun. Middle left pic: Cool landscapes. Middle right pic: Dustin and Adela at the waterfall we found! Bottom left pic: Adela loving swim time! Bottom right pic: Cam at the waterfall.

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