We employ multiple pathways to reach and disciple the least-reached, including unreached and unengaged peoples, but we believe our most important task is developing transformational leaders who embrace God’s distinct calling, gifting and opportunities for eternal impact. We are committed to preparing this type of godly leader to spearhead the multiplication of transformational churches wherever we work.
Of Thailand’s 69 million people, 94% are Buddhist. Their religion is an integral part of their identity and culture. In fact, of all Buddhists around the world, the Thai are among the most active participants in their religion. Most of the remaining 6% of Thais follow Islam or tribal religions. Researchers have identified 114 different people groups in this nation of great diversity.
The People
About 2 million children, 1.8 million adult women and 20 thousand adult males are currently involved in the sex trade. More than 500,000 people die every year in Thailand without knowing Jesus. Thai Christians remain around .6% of the population, even after 400 years of missionary work. Most of Thailand’s churches are small (30-50 members). More than 6,000 of Thailand’s 7,415 sub-districts have no church.

Two years ago, we had 5 missionaries working in Bangkok, today we have 12 Global Workers with 3 more raising support to join the team. We are ministering to the urban poor, reaching out to sex workers, building a training center on the boarder of Thailand and Laos, strengthening our work in the Northern provinces, starting churches, opening English centers and maybe most importantly we have reenergized our 51ÂÜÀò with long time Thai partners to train the next generation of Christian leaders. We are passionate to see a gospel movement in our generation.
leaders who embrace God’s distinct calling and gifting for a gospel movement with eternal impact.
new high-quality missionaries who will focus on evangelism and leadership development
house churches in Thailand countryside by 2025