August Newsletter

Dustin & Melissa Leland


Covid Again?

It is hard to believe that July is done and we are now into August. Even here in Thailand the summer months have seemed to go quickly. We have had a good month of language learning and will be doing another language check this week. The kids are doing well. They love going to the park and riding their scooters. Every time I drive it seems a little bit more normal. Going to the grocery store is starting to feel more like an errand and less like an event. We are getting a feel for the city, where things are located and what is and isn't available. Each month we feel more settled and that is exciting!

We have been enjoying seeing all of the fun activities that you have been up to back in the States, from county fairs and city parades to concerts and sporting events, we are so excited for you guys. We know how much these activities have been missed. It is exciting to see people getting together again to celebrate and fellowship with each other. 

Unfortunately in Thailand things have been moving in the other direction. Although Thailand was one of the first countries outside of China to get Covid they were able to keep it from spreading, at first. However, as we arrived here in March, Covid was starting to creep back into the country. Since then it has been gaining  momentum. Covid counts are rising daily and so are the restrictions. We recently went into a lockdown. We are only able to leave our house for necessary trips like to get groceries and to go to school. And even though we can still go to school we are learning language via Skype  because our teachers are working from 51ÂÜÀò. At this point the kids still get to learn for a couple hours a day which is a huge blessing. 

Thankfully we had a couple days notice about the lockdown so we celebrated Adela's birthday before the new restrictions took effect. We took her to a special restaurant that has pizza and American style spaghetti (Thai spaghetti is sweet). It was fun to see how excited our other two kids were to celebrate Adela.

As you enjoy your summer activities we ask that you remember Thailand and lift us up in prayer. Pray that we will have opportunities to "give an answer to everyone who asks you give the reason for the hope that is in us" 

A couple months ago I let you all know that we would be sending out prayer request emails in addition to our newsletters emails. These are sent when a specific prayer request arises and do not contain stories or pictures. They are not sent on a regular schedule but as needs arise. I just wanted to extend the invitation to receive these emails again in case someone missed the last invitation. If you would like to receive these emails please let me or Melissa know.

We value all of you that partner with us in prayer and financially. We would love to be in prayer for you and welcome your prayer requests.

Praise For:
  • Language Learning
  • Awesome Thai Teachers
  • Good Health
  • Different becoming normal

Prayer For:
  • Language learning
  • Life during restrictions
  • Opportunities to show our faith
  • Covid cases to go down 
Top left picture: Ancient ruins  Top Right pic: Happy Birthday Adela  Middle left pic: Frozen food aisle. Middle right pic: More local fair  Middle left pic: Cam talking to his cousins. Middle right pic: Felicity drinking from a coconut. Bottom left pic: Someone to help me hang laundry! Bottom right pic: Adela trying to cool down!

Dustin & Melissa Leland, Missionary

Partner with the Leland’s as they train indigenous leaders and share the Gospel in Thailand.