More Than a Haircut

Drew & Jane


I had no idea why - in a city of over 3 million residents and countless other barbershops - I was fixated on this particular one. I had already been there on three separate occasions, unable to get a haircut, but for some reason, I was determined to check this place out. On my fourth visit, I got way more than a haircut. I got a wink from the Lord as if to say, “I am working here. Stay the course.” I hit it off right away with the barber, who was all smiles and beaming with pride at having made another American friend. He served me coffee after my cut, and swiped through his phone to show me a photo of his other American acquaintances. I was shocked to see on the screen a group of people who I’d actually just met, as well. They were fellow evangelists, working in the area to form 51蹤獲s and make disciples. “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6. You don’t always get direct confirmation from God, but the task ahead is big. I believe as God told the Israelites to build pillars of stones to remember He is with them, He likewise is giving us moments like these for us to look back on and remember He’s got this. Keep praying. Keep praising. God is at work here.

Drew & Jane, Missionary

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