Spice Islands Initiative


Working in the “family business” – Sharing God’s Gospel

Drew & Jane

51 Global Worker

  • Dec 6 2021
  • //
  • Spice Islands Initiative

I’m sitting in a small café as I write this to you. It’s different from what you might picture from your experiences with cafés. Half of it is basically a covered porch while the other half is inside, but still open to the outside. There are a couple of small wobbly and squeaky fans above because there’s no AC. It’s hot by my standards before living here, but now I consider it pleasant as it is a bit cooler than normal. Vehicles, mostly motorcycles, are whizzing by sometimes so loudly that it feels like an assault on the senses. I praise God most are not that loud. 

"feels like an assault on the senses"

As I enjoy an avocado drink and something similar to fried potatoes, I ponder the people here...not just the two older men having a smoke and visiting each other across from me nor the two younger men doing the same to my left. I’m thinking about our prayerful goal that God has called us to. We are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group in Indonesia—in our generation. To keep pressing towards this, I need God to deepen my love for the people around me and my love for the Good News He has sent us here to proclaim. It is difficult. While having a wonderful spiritual conversation with my 8-year-old last night, I remarked that I look forward to being able to go this deep in conversations with Indonesians, but, there hasn’t been enough time in the language and culture to be able to go to the same depth that I can with most of my children, but God is in this.   God has made it clear from the beginning that He is leading this work. As fears often try to creep in, I must remind myself of this: we are joining God in the ‘family business.’ We are adopted sons and daughters and are joining God in the advancement of His Kingdom. He does not need us, He wants us to be involved. We all have a role in this work wherever we are in this world. 

"God has made it clear"

If you are reading this, I ask you to prayerfully consider the role God has for you. It certainly includes the people in your neighborhood, your workplace, and your social groups. Ask God to help you choose one or two of the people in your life, and begin to pray for them regularly. This will have an impact and it will mature your heart to be more like Christ.  From wherever you are right now, you can also have a very real impact literally on the other side of the earth. You can do this right now through prayer. Please, pray for the Spice Islands Initiative. We are a small group, with only 6 adults and 10 children. Our team is poised to launch our first outreach project early next year, and we need more workers to begin the process of joining us. Please, pray for these things - more details to come.  Also, as you consider your own financial giving this Christmas season, , and prayerfully consider one of our families who are not currently at 100% of their support.  Thank you for taking the time to read this and stay connected with this ministry. There’s more to come, sign up here if you would like an email with a link next update.   

God’s peace be with you, 

Drew,   Spice Islands Initiative Leader 

  • Spice Islands Initiative

More Than a Haircut

Nov 1 2019