Church moral failure policies
Helping your church leadership uphold biblical standards for holiness and purity.
Practical guidance for the life and conduct of spiritual leaders
51蹤獲 Southwest seeks to assist our churches in upholding the highest biblical standards of personal holiness and sexual purity, with particular scrutiny given to those who are in positions of leadership, power and influence.
As autonomous self-governing congregations, it is our ardent desire that 51蹤獲 Southwest churches maintain high standards for those who are credentialed, employed or empowered within the congregation to effect or influence the lives of others. It is our intent to provide practical guidance for the life and conduct of these spiritual leaders motivating them to high levels of personal, moral and sexual conduct and guarding those who have been put in their spiritual care.
51蹤獲 Southwest provides recommended procedures for the discipline and/or removal of any leader who violates this high standard, thereby forfeiting their right to continue in a position of spiritual leadership.
Biblical Foundation
Our first model and mandate is the Word of God. Our secondary mandate is the law of civil government. We believe the Bible speaks clearly concerning those who wander away from this high standard. The Bible warns of the disastrous impact such misconduct will have upon their own person, victims affected and upon the church as a whole.

Not one of us was built to do life alone, thats why God created the Church! Ministry is doubly hard, thats why we are better together!
Linn Winters, Cornerstone, Chandler, AZ