Resurrection Sunday 2021 highlights

Janie Plante

Executive Assistant

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51蹤獲 Southwest churches in Arizona, California and Texas share both EPIC and INTIMATE stories of how God showed up in their Easter weekend services.

RockPoint Church, Texas - Lead Pastor Kenneth Reynolds

We had a great experience at RockPoint Easter Sunday 2021! It was the most full our campus has been in a year of not only going through COVID, but simultaneously walking through a lead pastor transition.
Both our 9:30AM and 11AM services offered in person and online options. There were 160 people on campus, 36 of those children and 47 people worshiped with us online. Several people joined us post-Easter at our Newcomer’s Reception and about 10 people signed up for our Membership Class beginning later this month.
God is doing GREAT things here at RockPoint. God is GOOD!

Sun Valley Community Church, multiple campuses, Arizona - Lead Pastor Chad Moore

Sun Valley

This past weekend we were so excited to host Easter at all of our campuses, online and outdoors at a brand new campus soon to open. It was an incredible experience for all who came, and it was so amazing to see individuals return to church that hadn’t since March of last year. We are so grateful to all who gave and served to make Easter happen.

Our experience included original music written by our music team, fun and engaging kids experience with 1800 Peeps given away, photo booths, smiling faces and so much more. These special moments throughout the entire weekend made this an Easter to remember. 

As we celebrated Jesus turning our hopeless end into an endless hope, we hosted more than 13,000 people in person and online, saw 288 say ‘yes’ to following Jesus and welcomed 262 first-time guests. We also received a generosity offering, which we will give 100% of to one of our global partners, Harvest India. To date, we have seen over $215,000 given through the generosity of those who joined us for Easter.

Fountain Valley Unity Fellowship Vietnamese Church, California - Pastor Phong Nguyen

Fountain Valley

Thanks be to the Lord, we are back to worship God for over a month at Fountain Valley Unity Fellowship. We are thankful to have more people join us; more souls have been rescued on Easter morning. We held a Bible competition on Isaiah 53:1-12 and felt blessed because all ages in our church participated, teenagers, middle-aged people, and seniors, all took part.

We held a Bible verse competition on Isaiah 53:1-12, followed by an awards ceremony.

We held the Passion ceremony on Thursday night ( April 1st, 2021)  at one of our church member's house. Please keep praying for our church, we will remember you in our prayers.

Riverview Community Church, California - Lead Pastor Todd Tolson

  • 1 outdoor service
  • 429 in attendance
  • 7 first time decisions

Redeemer Bible Church, Arizona - Lead Pastor Jon Benzinger

  • Sermon: What are you living for? (2 Cor 5:14-15)
  • 1200 in-person at Good Friday (4 services) with over 2000 views on our livestream
  • 2400 in-person at Easter (7 services) with over 2000 views in our livestream
  • Blown away at God’s powerful grace!

Renovation City Church, Texas - Lead Pastor Nathan Law
(new church plant)

We were having an outdoor Easter Service and in the middle of the sermon we were interrupted by Gabriel:

I love that you're preaching this message. My life has been a mess this year. I have lost two people in my family from COVID and have no hope. 


We prayed for Gabriel right there. Then we continued the message and after the service, we shared the good news with Gabriel. Right then and there he prayed to receive God's gift of salvation. Pray for Gabriel to continue to grow in his new faith!

Rock Point Church, Arizona - Lead Pastor Bill Bush

Rock Point AZ

On April 3 and 4 Rock Point Church in Queen Creek, Arizona celebrated the RESURRECTION HOPE we have in Jesus and welcomed 6,402 people who visited our new campus for Easter services. We love being able to share the Easter story with those who are lost, and one way we accomplish this is through outreach opportunities. On Saturday, April 3 we hosted our annual Helicopter Egg Drop where we dropped 14,000 eggs and thousands from our community attended. It was an amazing time for families to visit our campus, enjoy Easter festivities, and attend Easter services, possibly for the first time.

We are so excited to be celebrating 58 new families to Rock Point totaling 168 individuals with 513 guests who participated online! Currently, we have 78 people who have signed up for Baptism weekend, and hundreds said Yes to Jesus for the first time!! What a great way to celebrate the hope we have in His resurrection. JESUS’ DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION CHANGED EVERYTHING!

Rock Point Church has seen amazing growth in many ministries and welcomed 1,282 individuals and 563 new families over the course of the year. Despite any challenges we may face, we know that God is still working in and through our lives and circumstances as we point people to Jesus by loving them like Jesus.

Grace Community Church, California - Lead Pastor Bob Guetterman

At Grace church we enjoyed a very festive resurrection service, and then moved into our courtyard where our three congregations, for the first time in a year, enjoyed a brunch fellowship with wrapped foods and Keurig coffees. It was a wonderful time together. Seemed like no one wanted to leave. Resurrection Day is my favorite holy-day celebration!

Heart + Soul Church, Texas - Lead Pastor Justin Schultz
(new church plant)


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Heart + Soul in Princeton, Texas celebrated our very first Easter with 240 in the house and 8 were baptized. We welcomed one of our newest 51蹤獲 Southwest / Vision Texas church planters, Manne Favor and his family, pictured above at our photo-op booth.  

Christ Culture Church, Arizona - Lead Pastor Ta'hon King

This Resurrection Sunday was such a blessing. It was the first regathering we’ve had since Covid-19. We had Easter service in the park, 3 new families that discovered our ministry from our online service join us for the first time in person service and join our ministry.

Lifebridge Church, California - Lead Pastor Mark Staples

Lifebridge Church

We had a great morning yesterday at our outdoor service.  6 baptisms and a great time together.  Afterward our church family delivered about 50 special Easter bags to the families who are still attending services online only. 

Rock Creek Church, Texas - Lead Pastor Brad Wilkerson

Rock Creek church and prosper Texas had five services for Easter weekend to on Saturday night three on Sunday morning with a total attendance of 2352 in in person and 1399 online, totaling 3751 worshiping together! We had five people say yes to Jesus and three who re-dedicated their lives to Him. We also brought in the revel artist painter that we had at the S2 conference a couple years ago. He was a huge hit and was the climactic moment of our service. I preached from Mark chapter 16 and it was a great day for our ministry. 

Vision Arizona's collective - 25 of 27 churches reporting:

  • 43,150 in attendance
  • 721 first time decisions
  • 153 baptisms

Community Life Church, California - Lead Pastor David Johnson

Easter Sunday was our grand re-opening inside the sanctuary, with a little over 200 attendees. Whether people were coming back for the first time in a long time, or were new  guests, everyone was excited and happy to be together on such a glorious day. That alone was quite a celebration!

The Springs Church, Arizona - Lead Pastor Jeff Goodman

We had 6 life changing services at The Springs Church in Tucson Arizona on Easter Sunday morning with lots of fun activities outside as well. It felt like a family reunion as we saw familiar faces that we had not seen in person for a very long time. We had 540 total for the day which is our largest attendance since Covid started back in March of 2020. 13 people said YES to Jesus as we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord. We collected 100’s of pounds of food for our local food bank, as well. 

Revolution Church, Texas - Lead Pastor Randy Moore

Revolution Church in McKinney, Texas welcomed 1,048 people for in person worship on  Easter Sunday. We also had 18 salvations and several hundred people engaging in serving throughout the day. 

Life Spring Community Church, California - Lead Pastor Tony Amatangelo

Prior to Easter: 1 service averaging 75 onsite with live stream attendance near 120.
Easter Services (2 services):
  • 204 onsite (including 20 students)
  • 265 live stream
  • Grand Total: 469
  • 2 new subscribers online + 16 first time guests on-site
  • 2 baptisms

Church of Celebration, Arizona - Lead Pastor Josh Barrett

At Church of Celebration, we had close to 1,000 over the weekend.  We opened our in person Children’s Ministries for the first time in over a year and it was awesome!  We had MANY new families and still had a large online attendance.

Community Bible Church, Texas - Lead Pastor Shane Branecky

CBC Odessa

At Community Bible Church in Odessa we celebrated Easter together with 275 in the house and 3 said 'yes' to Jesus!

Inland Valley Church, California - Lead Pastor Jeff Moore

At Inland Church / Inland Valley Baptist Fellowship, with in-person and video combined for Easter 2021 we had:

  • 101 people worshipping together
  • 12 first time visitors
  • 1 salvation

We also gave away 55 bags of groceries to families who needed it.

Desert Rock Church, Arizona - Lead Pastor Joey Bilbrey

We had an amazing time At Desert Rock Church! We are doing outdoor church until our first building is completed later this year. We had 360 in attendance and 12 salvations!!!!  Praise God!!

Agoura Bible Fellowship, California - Lead Pastor Scott Kegel

23 kids accepted Jesus on Easter Sunday! We praise the Lord for his faithfulness in drawing people to Him.


Horizons Community Church, Arizona - Lead Pastor Jeff Gentry

We started this special weekend with an outdoor Good Friday service. Approximately 150 people attended and enjoyed worshiping under the stars or from their cars on radio frequency.

Easter Sunday we had 2 services with 200 people on each campus - 400 people! We also enjoyed some fun photo ops on the patio. It was a blessing to see our church family together again after this last year.

Janie Plante, Executive Assistant

Janie has served as the Executive Assistant to Bruce Sumner at 51蹤獲 Southwest since 2011 and considers her role to be a joy and an honor.

Additional articles by Janie Plante