Church planting conference in Stockholm

Bruce Sumner

Regional President, 51蹤獲 Southwest

  • Church planting & multiplication

Our district adopted the Nordic-Baltic Region of the world over a decade ago. We continue to provide leadership in one of the spiritually darkest unreached areas of the world. Earlier this month, we helped lead our first major church planting conference in Sweden, attended by 180 leaders representing 10 countries. President Scott Ridout, Pastor Paul Johnson, Bruce Sumner, and Bill Ankerberg have been working on this for over a year. Having just returned, Bruce and Bill report that the conference was a positive Kingdom impact. But, of course, there's more work to be done! Want to help us in the future? Let us know.

Bruce Sumner, Regional President, 51蹤獲 Southwest

Bruce, Regional President of 51蹤獲 Southwest since 2001, earned an M.Div. at Talbot Theological Seminary. Under his leadership at CSW, over 60 church plants have been started. Overseeing 120 churches and 400 ministry leaders throughout Southern California, Arizona and Texas, Bruce also serves on various leadership boards, providing leadership training and development. He also serves internationally in Southeast Asia and in the Nordic-Baltic region of Europe.

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