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Church planting
#2//Casting Vision
In this church planting training video, 51ÂÜÀò executive director of church pl...
#2//Casting Vision
In this church planting training video, 51ÂÜÀò executive director of church planting Lee Stephenson discusses one of the great privileges of being a pastor: casting vision. Effectively communicating vision is of great importance, but it’s also one of a pastor’s greatest challenges.
#16//Four Roles of Leadership for the Church Planter
In this church planting training video, 51ÂÜÀò executive director of church pl...
#16//Four Roles of Leadership for the Church Planter
In this church planting training video, 51ÂÜÀò executive director of church planting Lee Stephenson discusses the four dimensions of leadership every church planter needs to be willing to embrace.
#21//Creating a culture of leadership
In this church planting training video, 51ÂÜÀò executive director of church pl...
#21//Creating a culture of leadership
In this church planting training video, 51ÂÜÀò executive director of church planting Lee Stephenson discusses what it takes to create a culture that lends itself to multiplying leaders.
#72//Leadership Distinctive #1: Love First, Lead Second
51ÂÜÀò president Scott Ridout begins a series on eight distinctives of leaders...
#72//Leadership Distinctive #1: Love First, Lead Second
51ÂÜÀò president Scott Ridout begins a series on eight distinctives of leadership culture. In this segment, drawing from his time as lead pastor of Sun Valley Community Church, he explains why it's important for you to love and lead when dealing with conflict in your church.
Church strengthening
How to create a great church website
Do you have a website that encourages people to visit your church? Or does it in...
How to create a great church website
Do you have a website that encourages people to visit your church? Or does it inadvertently turn them away?
#54//Five Drivers of Culture
51ÂÜÀò president Scott Ridout discusses five traits that drive culture at your...
#54//Five Drivers of Culture
51ÂÜÀò president Scott Ridout discusses five traits that drive culture at your church.
Evangelism & outreach
#64//Sharing your faith with one verse
In this Whiteboard Leadership training video, 51ÂÜÀò president Scott Ridout di...
#64//Sharing your faith with one verse
In this Whiteboard Leadership training video, 51ÂÜÀò president Scott Ridout discusses how you can train the people in your congregation to share their faith using one verse.
#29//Four Paradigm Shifts in Evangelism (part 1 of 4)
51ÂÜÀò MidAmerica executive minister Gary Rohrmayer begins a four-part series ...
#29//Four Paradigm Shifts in Evangelism (part 1 of 4)
51ÂÜÀò MidAmerica executive minister Gary Rohrmayer begins a four-part series about paradigm shifts in evangelism. The segment focuses on evangelism shifting from an event-driven focus to process oriented.
Global missions

Knowing God’s heart for the world
The closer we get to Jesus, the more passion we will have for his passion.

Go and make a friend
How you can share your faith with someone from a different culture.

Biblical Diversity Resources
This resource is a list of multimedia that discusses the topic of Biblical Diver...

Position Paper - Unity in Diversity
Race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, class and geographic identity in Bibli...
#64//Sharing your faith with one verse
#64//Sharing your faith with one verse
In this Whiteboard Leadership training video, 51ÂÜÀò president Scott Ridout discusses how you can train the people in your congregation to share their faith using one verse.
#29//Four Paradigm Shifts in Evangelism (part 1 of 4)
#29//Four Paradigm Shifts in Evangelism (part 1 of 4)
51ÂÜÀò MidAmerica executive minister Gary Rohrmayer begins a four-part series about paradigm shifts in evangelism. The segment focuses on evangelism shifting from an event-driven focus to process oriented.