Student ministry - Summer 2022 options

Andy Needham

51蹤獲 Northeast Regional VP & Associate Director

  • Student & youth ministry

Summer is a key time for student ministry. To help you evaluate and plan we collaborated with some 51蹤獲 youth workers and regional ministries to collect a strong variety of options for you to consider. 

Regional Missions 

Workcamp NE 

Workcamp NE offers week-long mission experience that includes work projects each day and evening sessions of teaching and worship. 

workcampNE helps students grow in amazing ways. By practically serving our New England neighbors, students learn how to problem solve and put their faith into action. By working together, great 51蹤獲s are formed. After great teaching, worship, and program, students are excited to return 51蹤獲, ready to share their love for Jesus. 

Josh King, Director of Student Ministries | Chapel of the Cross, Westborough, MA

Location: NH & VT. New location each session. 
Session: Begin in early July and end August, Sunday to Saturday, 7 days / 6 nights 
Cost Per Session: $425 early bird per person / $500 per person within 45 days of your even
Learn more at:  


The Hartford Project 

The Hartford Project (THP) is an urban ministry immersion experience for teenagers in New England. Church youth groups are invited to come and live in Hartford, CT for five days in the summer. During this week they will serve the community, learn about poverty, experience racial reconciliation, and build 51蹤獲s with the wider body of Christ. 

Wintonbury Church youth have been attending and serving with THE HARTFORD PROJECT (THP) since it was first established in 2004. It is a wonderful introduction to the world of missions since Hartford is not very far away, the length of the mission is only 5 days, and the cost is very affordable. THP has led many of our students to have a stronger faith in Christ through discipleship received on the trip as well as a greater passion for service in the inner city. We have seen a number of our students be led to wider ministry and mission opportunities because of the impact of Christ in their lives through The Hartford Project. 

Brian Sullivan, Next Gen Pastor | Wintonbury Church, Bloomfield, CT

Location: Hartford, CT
Session: Sunday, June 26 - Thursday, June 30 & Sunday, July 17 - Thursday, July 21, 5 days / 4 Nights
Cost Per Session: $250 per participant
Learn more at: 

Other Mission Opportunities 

Philly Project -  

Regional Camps & Conferences 

Camp Berea

Camp Berea offers week-long sleepaway camps. Some sessions are specific to middle school or girls. Most are middle and high school. They also offer a two-week intensive for leadership level students called the Camper Discipleship Program. Church youth leaders are encouraged to attend with their students, but most campers are served by hired staff as cabin leaders. 

Camp Berea Summer Camp is an experience our students look forward to every year. Having an opportunity to connect with God and each other while having fun, worshiping, and discussing Biblical truth is a center point for our ministry.

Josh King, Director of Student Ministries | Chapel of the Cross, Westborough, MA

Location: Hebron, NH (Lakes Region)
Sessions: Begin in June and end August, Sunday to Saturday, 7 days / 6 nights
Cost Per Session: $650-760 depending on the week and if you get the early bird rate. Church youth leaders are considered volunteers and go through a volunteer application process but do not pay to attend if they qualify.
Learn more at:


Hume New England

Hume New England offers week-long sleepaway camps. Sessions are either for middle school or for high school students. 

Our students love being a part of Hume Summer Camp each year. Thankfully, they have the option of us bringing our own counselors or using their staff as counselors if necessary. This is a great camp for churched and unchurched kids due to the balance of fun team competition, free time activities like paintball and ropes course, and teaching with engaging worship and video illustrations. Last summer many of our students came away with a greater love for God's word and understanding of its importance to their Christian walk. While the price is going up this summer, it is a vital part of our student ministry that our students and parents always look forward to.

David Siler | Valley Brook Community Church, Granby, CT

Location: Monterey, MA (Berkshires)
Sessions: Begin in late June through July, Monday to Saturday, 6 days / 5 nights
Cost Per Session: $600 per student if you bring a counselor / $100 per counselor / $700 per student if Hume provides a counselor
Learn more at:

Camp Monadnock 

Camp Monadnock offers 5-day sleepaway camps as part of our summer Ascend program. Church leaders are encouraged to attend with their students, but most campers are served by hired staff as cabin leaders.

Camp Monadnock is excited to re-launch programming for summer 2022 as part of Berea Ministries. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue the legacy that was begun by Monadnock Bible Conference as we strive to teach life changing Biblical truth in an atmosphere of engaging activities, heartfelt worship, and in awe of the natural beauty engulfing our scenic location at the foot of Mount Monadnock.

Jason Headlee, New Site Director | Camp Monadnock

Location: Jaffrey, NH (Southern NH / Monadnock Region) 
Sessions: Begin in July and end in August, 5 Days/4 Nights Monday – Friday
Cost Per Session: $425-455 depending on if you register in time for early bird rate. Church youth leaders are considered volunteers and go through a volunteer application process but do not pay to attend if they qualify.
Learn more at:

Joni and Friends New England Family Retreats

Joni and Friends offers 6-day sleepaway camps, called Family Retreat to New England special needs families. Family Retreats offer a Christ-centered haven for families living with disabilities in a safe and accepting environment where they are cared for, encouraged, and offered spiritual renewal in a fully accessible camp environment. Each volunteer serves as 1:1 caring companion to children affected by disability and their family duringRetreat.

Location: Greenfield, NH | Barbara C Harris Camp and Conference Center
Sessions: Saturday, June 4th - Thursday, June 9th; Saturday, August 13th – Thursday, August 18th and Saturday, August 20th – Thursday, August 25th, 6 days / 5 nights
Cost Per Session: $500. *Church youth leaders are considered volunteers and go through a volunteer application process.
Learn more at: 


Engage Camp -
Camp Spofford - 
Word of Life -  
Camp of the Woods - 

National Conferences 

Orlando Youth Conference 

A 4-day national youth conference in Orlando featuring top speakers and a trip to Universal Studios. Hosted at the national headquarters of 51蹤獲.
Location: Orlando, FL
Date: July 5-8 
Cost: $300 - 450 per student depending on the date of purchase. $300 for leaders. Does not include lodging or all meals (3 are included).
Learn more at:

Andy Needham, 51蹤獲 Northeast Regional VP & Associate Director

Andy Needham is a New England native who has spent the past two decades serving in ministry roles from church leadership, to nationally touring worship artist, to launching and leading conferences. He is the Associate Director for 51蹤獲 Northeast, working to start and strengthen churches throughout the Northeast and beyond.

Additional articles by Andy Needham