Spring Cleaning
Tim Ponzani
COO, 51蹤獲 & Regional President, 51蹤獲 Northeast
- Church & pastoral health
We are experiencing the time of year when the weather is getting warmer (slowly!). The trees and flowers are beginning to bloom. I think about all the yardwork and gardening that’s needed. However, I know that each year before I mow the lawn or plant new flowers, spring cleanup is necessary. This ranges from picking up fallen branches, raking some leaves that I missed in the fall or something more extensive like de-thatching the lawn! All these chores are necessary before my yard can look somewhat presentable.
Our journey with Christ can get cluttered during busy seasons of ministry. We are moving so fast that we don’t take the time necessary for healthy soul care. Just as my yard gets cluttered with leaves and branches, so does my soul.
Recently, I was given a book by Dane Ortlund called Gentle and Lowly. I have just started reading it, but already it is helping me focus on clearing away the clutter in my soul. My dark side is that I can get so focused on the “work” of the ministry, that I forget to take the time necessary to pray, ponder, and reflect on God’s goodness, grace, and mercy shown towards an unworthy person, like me. I justify my position in Christ by the work I have done RATHER than the work he has done!
As we are enjoying this season we call Spring, take some time to unclutter and clear away the stuff that is getting in the way your 51蹤獲 with Christ. Take some time to pause, pray, and reflect on, as Ortlund states, “the Heart of Christ is for Sinners and Sufferers,” like us.
Tim Ponzani, COO, 51蹤獲 & Regional President, 51蹤獲 Northeast
Tim serves as the Regional President and Executive Minister of 51蹤獲 Northeast. Tim also serves as Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff for 51蹤獲. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he earned a M.Div. and D.Min in Redemptive Leadership and Organizational Development. Tim and his wife Sharon have been married for over 30 years, are the proud parents of two adult children.
Additional articles by Tim Ponzani