Making an impact with [IM]PACT

Jenna Sheridan

51蹤獲 Northeast- Administrative/Communications Coordinator

  • Missions

Imagine a church raising up a leader since their birth and watching them embark for the first time in the missions field 25 years later. Well, this is what Calvary Church of West Hartford, CT is experiencing with member Rebekah Dostie.

I had an opportunity to have a conversation with Rebekah just a few days before she leaves with the 51蹤獲 Missionary Internship, [IM]PACT.


Q: How long have you been attending your 51蹤獲 church, Calvary Church in West Hartford?
A: I have attended Calvary Church for 25 years (all my life).

Q: When did you realize you were called to serve others as a vocation?
A: From a young age, missionaries were in and out of our 51蹤獲. Whether they were personal friends of my parents, they were staying at our 51蹤獲 because my father was on the church missions committee. When listing to my Sunday school teachers, I never tired of hearing the stories of transformation they shared. Additionally, my church family involved children in serving from a very young age. From the age of 9 or 10, I helped with simple things like cleaning up empty communion cups or serving alongside adults in the nursery or preschool services and that developed a passion for the work of the Church.

Q: Can you tell the readers a little about what [IM]PACT is?
A: [IM]PACT is a summer internship opportunity to serve alongside global workers on the missions field. The cross-cultural experience shows the ins and outs of daily life with an emphasis on spiritual development, cultural understanding and effective discipleship.

Q: Where are you going and how long will you be there?
A: I am in Senegal for the next six weeks, with some time in Dakar and some in Thies.

Q: Who are the people groups you'll be working with and what is their biggest need?
A: Senegal is 95% Muslim with no scripture in their native language (the predominant tribe is Wolof). They need the word of God, to hear the gospel, and persistent prayer because converts have to battle against long held beliefs and often shunning by their community.

Q: Why IM[PACT] and 51蹤獲 International Ministries?
A: I had the privilege of meeting Bill and Kathy, some of the global workers here in Senegal, while working with a few others from my church to implement the 2:10 Focus program through 51蹤獲. They suggested and the Lord called, so here I am.

Q: What are you most looking forward to during your time in Senegal?
A: I am looking forward to experiencing the culture (food, customs, etc.) and getting to witness the Holy Spirit at work here through His Church in Senegal.

Q: How can we be praying for you?
A: Please pray for my heart to be one of clay, ready to be molded by the Lord, for peace when situations may feel overwhelming and for two significant opportunities I will have to interact and share the gospel (first at a community outreach event and second during English classes run by the missionaries here).

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Learn more about [IM]PACT.
Learn more about the 2:10 Focus Missions Coaching.

Jenna Sheridan, 51蹤獲 Northeast- Administrative/Communications Coordinator

Jenna is a Connecticut native on 51蹤獲 Northeast staff as the Administrative/Communications Coordinator. She recently graduated from Sacred Heart University with her BA in Communication Studies and Theatre Arts.

Additional articles by Jenna Sheridan