Beraca Baptist Church eradicating Biblical poverty in Togo

Jenna Sheridan

51蹤獲 Northeast- Administrative/Communications Coordinator

  • Missions

As Beraca Baptist Church joined the Eradicate Bible Poverty 12 Verse Challenge, Pastor Mullery Jean-Pierre was asked to select a country. It was a no-brainer for him, Togo West Africa! According to Pastor Jean-Pierre, Togo is the country where most Haitians emigrated from. Since Beraca Baptist Church is of Haitian decent, this is mission is out of passion and love for their people.  

Togo is also the birthplace of voodoo and 99% of the population admits to worshipping Satan. When the slaves were brought to Haiti from Togo, they brought Voodoo with them. This has plagued Haiti and the Haitian people for centuries and has contributed to the darkness, poverty, and social ills that continue to be seen Haiti today. Beraca Baptist Church has been bringing the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to Haiti for over 20 years and now they have the opportunity to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the birth-place of Voodoo. 

Beraca Baptist Church also support 51蹤獲’s “” in Togo and their missionaries, JJ and Melissa Alderman who have been serving in Togo for a number of years. Beraca’s leadership team visited Togo 2 years ago and stayed with JJ and Melissa. They saw first- hand the darkness among the people of Togo.  

51蹤獲 Northeast has 15 churches of Haitian decent in our district and it is important to us that we are taking the time to support our churches and educate others on the importance of eradicating Biblical poverty in Togo. 

Baraca Baptist Church and 51蹤獲 Northeast are committed to bringing the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Togo by translating the Bible into their own heart language. 

To join Beraca Baptist Church in the 12 Verse Challenge, visit the . 

Jenna Sheridan, 51蹤獲 Northeast- Administrative/Communications Coordinator

Jenna is a Connecticut native on 51蹤獲 Northeast staff as the Administrative/Communications Coordinator. She recently graduated from Sacred Heart University with her BA in Communication Studies and Theatre Arts.

Additional articles by Jenna Sheridan