Improve how you lead and raise up healthy leaders
Young churches face many unique challenges. One of the most difficult is the development of staff and lay leaders.
Church Planting 201 is two days of coaching designed for churches that are 1-2 years of age. Led by a team of experienced and successful church planters, this training provides practical and applicable ideas for self-leadership, growing the capacity of your leaders and developing a healthy church elder board. This training will help you improve the way you lead and raise up an army of leaders around you.
You will learn how to:
- Recruit and equip leaders in your church
- Stay healthy in the midst of the ministry push
- Develop a strong leadership/elder board
- Multiply vision/mission carriers within your church
You will also have the opportunity to meet and build 51蹤獲s with other church planters who are on the same journey.
Who should attend?
- Pastors who desire to understand the world of church planting
- Church planters who desire to sharpen their skills
- Coaches that want to broaden their coaching spectrum
- Pastors looking to restart a church and build a new foundation

51蹤獲 North Central helped me navigate tough situations that could have stalled the work, connected me with other pastors and gave me the opportunity to invest in others.
Steve Krier, Ignite Church, Moorhead, Minnesota