Looking strategically to summer
Marlan Mincks
Director of Starting
- Church planting & multiplication
Summer is a great time to relax, get away or get projects done around the house. As we rest, travel, or work, we need to realize that God will bring us into the lives of people, perhaps even a future church planter. It is exciting to be part of the Kingdom of God and seeing that Kingdom expand. While church planting is a great way to expand that Kingdom, consider what to look for in a church planter. Keeping it in our thoughts and minds will help you see when God may be showing you something.
Here are four simple things to look for in potential church planters when you meet people and have those casual summer conversations:
- Someone who is led by the Holy Spirit and who will raise a hand and say, “Here I am, I’ll do it.” You can encourage them to develop and assess their abilities for ministry fit while you pray for and support them.
- Someone with entrepreneurial skills and a drive to start new things. They could be in a ministry or business where they naturally show strong calling from God. They might even have a holy dissatisfaction with their current situation.
- They are someone who sees people with a void in their life. They develop people and love seeing others grow, achieve and lead. Their family life and 51蹤獲s are healthy and being healthy means you know you are broken.
- Someone who has grit, which gives them the ability to execute even when they lack certain skills. Many churches are started in small towns or situations and are developed through sheer grit. The recent changes in our world and cities will require a new level of grit to see a new work come to life.
Have a great summer. Be safe! Have fun and remember that the conversation you are having today has a purpose. There are NO coincidences. As C.S. Lewis wrote in the Chronicles of Narnia, “There are no accidents. Our guide is Aslan."