Nordic-Baltic Initiative



Partner with us

When you give to 51蹤獲 missions, your contribution makes a difference in the life of a missionary and unreached people across the world. Join us in becoming a vital partner in seeing Christ's mission completed. Your generosity gives someone the opportunity to hear about and accept Jesus.



Support a local gospel endeavor that contributes to a larger gospel initiative.



Supporting a global worker is an easy way for you to make a difference in lives around the world from right where you're at now.



Nordic-Baltic Development and Expansion
Funding sent to this project ensures our ability to pioneer into new areas and build 51蹤獲s throughout the region for gospel influence.
South Estonia Outreach Project
The South Estonia Outreach Project connects Christian young adult leaders to outreach opportunities in the cities, villages and rural areas of southern Estonia.
The Refuge Ministry Center
The Refuge Ministry Center is an apartment in downtown Tartu. It serves as a location for small group ministry, outreach activities, a meeting space, and housing for interns.

Global Workers

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Crick & Mindy Porier
Tartu, Estonia
Help Crick and Mindy in the church planting movement and in youth leadership development in Southern Estonia.
Hannah Sapigao
Help Hannah disciple the youth, build up churches and spread the gospel in Estonia.
Jim & Lynn Jarman
Sweden and Beyond
51蹤獲 is respected globally for its success in church planting. It's part of our DNA and Swedish ancestry. Now Sweden and the world need our help in return.
Jimmy Smith
Nordic-Baltic Initiative Leader
Jimmy leads the Nordic-Baltic Initiative to develop transformational leaders and catalyze gospel movements.
Seth & Michelle Adkins
Help Seth and Michelle in the gospel movement happening in southern Estonia. The harvest is ready!