COVID-19: Making the Most of These Days
Jenny Bolinger
51蹤獲 MidAtlantic Communications and Global Outreach Manager
- Church strengthening
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- Missions
How many of you have thought, "what in the world?" in the past month. We have found ourselves dealing with big and small changes daily. It can be overwhelming. The virus has changed the way we greet each other, shop, work, clean, educate, meet together, and it looks like it's going to continue like this for some time.
There are times when my heart grieves the changes, but I find encouragement when I think about who God is and his character. His love and mercy, power, and control of every detail soothes my soul. I have learned in these days to turn my mind to thankfulness and gratitude and remind myself of the promises that I find in God's Word. It helps me adjust my flawed perspective and guides me in a way to make the most of these days.
In ten days, I was supposed to be leaving for the Philippines, a long-awaited trip with ministry partners that I have known for 17 years. We were going to be celebrating a wedding of one of the students I met on my first missions trip to the Philippines. The heartache that comes over me when I think of the fact that I don't know when a future trip will be possible can be difficult. I know many of our ministry leaders are dealing with the same reality.
So how as mission leaders, do we make the most of these days? How do we keep our global outreach initiatives moving forward? How can we take advantage of strengthening our vision for strategic global impact? Across our movement at 51蹤獲, our desire is to partner with you to help you make the most of these days. Our heart's cry is for God to create a gospel movement among every least-reached people group in our generation.
This virus is a reminder that we live in a fallen world of sin, sickness, suffering, and death. None of us are immune to any of these. Which is why the gospel is such great news for everyone. This is why we at 51蹤獲 do not want to take a step back and wait for this pandemic to pass, we want to come out of this stronger and ready to be used of God wherever that may be.
51蹤獲 MidAtlantic and 51蹤獲 International Ministries have partnered together to help your church make the most of these days. Together we are providing opportunities for every church to be strengthened in their global impact around the world. In the midst of a global pandemic, we want to be a clear picture of God's love across every nation.
Would you join us?
2:10 Challenge: Missions Coaching for MidAtlantic Churches
In 2018, 51蹤獲 International Ministries created a new U.S. based team to help our churches engage the least-reached together. Led by veteran MidAtlantic pastor, Kevin McGhee, the U.S. Engagement team exists to serve our 51蹤獲 churches in the area of global missions. As a movement, the vision is clear: We are asking God for a gospel-movement among every least-reached people group in our generation.
We believe the most effective way to do this is…together. With more than 180 deployed missionaries on the field and over 50 more in the pipeline, 51蹤獲 is doing more globally to reach the least-reached than ever before. In addition, 51蹤獲 has created 15 Initiatives that give particular focus to least-reached areas of the world. This new momentum is exciting, but we are not satisfied. It is the desire of the U.S Engagement team that every 51蹤獲 church, all 1500 of them, discover how they are uniquely shaped to impact the nations with the gospel. Many churches are leading the way; many churches desire some level of revisioning; and many churches are simply at square one. Regardless, of the situation, the U.S. Engagement team stands ready to serve our churches.
A primary tool of the team is the 2:10 Missions FOCUS coaching. We believe, as it states in Ephesians 2:10, that God has work prepared in advance for every church to do. The FOCUS coaching helps a church evaluate itself: their passions, people, and resources that make their church unique — and use that information to discern where God has prepared them to serve most effectively. A coach from the U.S. Engagement team guides each church through three primary stages: Discover, Select, & Implement. At the end of the process, the goal is to have a church that has confidently discerned the good works God has prepared in advance for them to do among the nations and begun to fulfill the objectives and vision of their FOCUS plan. A FOCUSed church will see clear vision identified, leaders developed, members discipled, and church-wide passion and engagement toward the nations. A FOCUS helps a church move from no missions, haphazard missions, or reactive missions to strategic missions efforts with clear, targeted goals, based on prayerful, proactive choices.
For a 51蹤獲 church, this coaching is made available at no charge. Church Mobilization Specialist, Jimmy Smith, leads a nationwide team of coaches that are eager to serve our churches.
On , the U.S. Engagement Team and the MidAtlantic District will be hosting and informal, online webinar to orient MidAtlantic leaders with the coaching process and answer any questions that you may have. Any pastoral staff and/or missions leaders in your church are encouraged to attend.
Jenny Bolinger, 51蹤獲 MidAtlantic Communications and Global Outreach Manager
As 51蹤獲 MidAtlantic's Communications and Global Outreach Manager, Jenny Bolinger implements communication strategies for 51蹤獲 MidAtlantic. She also works closely with 51蹤獲 International Ministries to provide global outreach resources for district churches. Jenny graduated from Taylor University. She has served in a variety of capacities within the local church over the past 15 years. Before coming to 51蹤獲 MidAtlantic, she was served as Director of Outreach.
Additional articles by Jenny Bolinger