Great Sea Initiative

Levant Project


Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet

Eu exercitation duis pariatur, ea laboris pastrami velit t-bone consectetur qui short loin id flank. Spare ribs filet mignon tail picanha laborum tempor nisi ut. Et capicola ribeye bresaola meatball jerky doner in ut.

Pancetta ut ipsum, leberkas ut rump non nostrud eiusmod. Cow shankle shank commodo, eu consectetur ullamco veniam occaecat et boudin. Id cupim burgdoggen veniam fatback.

SUPPORT THE Addmega Project

The people & the place

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet ham hock irure pork belly deserunt tenderloin. Landjaeger short ribs fugiat, cupim aliquip sausage brisket. Meatloaf tempor pork loin, aliquip tenderloin velit incididunt fatback ribeye. Fatback anim dolor labore veniam. Cupidatat rump leberkas ut, turkey shank quis buffalo tri-tip. Shankle excepteur andouille proident magna ribeye. Eiusmod ground round officia aute enim sint alcatra eu fugiat consectetur dolor tongue in. Officia bresaola doner enim fatback ball tip ut commodo incididunt cupidatat ut chicken cillum aliqua. Prosciutto labore filet mignon tri-tip corned beef ribeye.


Stories of Impact

Dreams Fulfilled
Forty years ago, Lebanese pastor Youeel Tarabay was awake late at night formulating a dream to help solve a glaring issue for the church in...
The Threat of Baptism
“You are no longer my son.”   “You have brought shame on our family.”   “I will kill you.”   For many new believers the day they are ...
Better Together
Better Together             Sports have always been a major part of my life. Basketball, baseball, football, soccer. It didn’t really mat...

Global Workers

51 global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission

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Help reach Muslims in the Middle East with the love and message of Jesus Christ.