Partner with us
When you give to 51蹤獲 missions, your contribution makes a difference in the life of a missionary and unreached people across the world. Join us in becoming a vital partner in seeing Christ's mission completed. Your generosity gives someone the opportunity to hear about and accept Jesus.
Support a local gospel endeavor that contributes to a larger gospel initiative.
Supporting a global worker is an easy way for you to make a difference in lives around the world from right where you're at now.
Addmega Project
The vision of Addmega is to provide an all-Arabic web-based platform to equip the church in the Middle East for the work of the ministry.
Global Workers
Great Sea Initiative leader
Partner with me as we ask God for a gospel movement among the over 300 million Muslims living in the 21 nations around the Mediterranean Sea.
Secure location
Help reach Muslims in the Middle East with the love and message of Jesus Christ.
Secure Location
This profile has been secured. For their protection, high security zone workers are listed by ID number or partial name.