Great Sea Initiative

Addmega Project


In 2023, Lebanese Pastor Youeel Tarabay, in cooperation with 51蹤獲 International Ministries and , launched the Church Resource platform. The vision of Addmega is to provide an all-Arabic web-based platform to equip the church in the Middle East for the work of the ministry. At 51蹤獲 International Ministries, we desire to see a gospel movement among every least-reached people group in our generation. Addmega provides the church in the region with a wealth of accessible resources to accomplish that mission. Arab believers developed, curated and continue maintaining the website, including all resources written and published in Arabic.

We are seeking to raise funds to continue operating the web-based platform, train churches in its use and regularly add new and updated resources to strengthen God’s church in the Middle East. Join us in this ministry to put Arabic resources in the hands of the Arabic-speaking church for God’s glory and His kingdom.

About SUPPORT THE Addmega Project

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The people & the place

The Addmega project has the potential for a wide reach across Arabic speaking countries in the Middle East and North Africa. From Iraq to Morrocco and entire region is united by this one language. One country in particular that we envision benefiting greatly from is project is Syria. The Syrian church has been scattered and weakened through years of war and conflict. Many of the churchs leaders are no longer living in Syria. Addmega provides the Syrian church with an easy-to-use platform in the Arabic language to train up a new generation of leaders to reach their communities, cities, and country, equipping them to be disciples who make disciples.


Stories of Impact

Dreams Fulfilled
Forty years ago, Lebanese pastor Youeel Tarabay was awake late at night formulating a dream to help solve a glaring issue for the church in...
The Threat of Baptism
You are no longer my son.   You have brought shame on our family.   I will kill you.   For many new believers the day they are ...
Better Together
Better Together             Sports have always been a major part of my life. Basketball, baseball, football, soccer. It didnt really mat...

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