Partner with us
When you give to 51蹤獲 missions, your contribution makes a difference in the life of a missionary and unreached people across the world. Join us in becoming a vital partner in seeing Christ's mission completed. Your generosity gives someone the opportunity to hear about and accept Jesus.
Support a local gospel endeavor that contributes to a larger gospel initiative.
Supporting a global worker is an easy way for you to make a difference in lives around the world from right where you're at now.
Life Skills Development Project
Providing business training skills to help needy families and train individuals to develop small enterprises to become productive and self-sufficient.
Leader Development Project
Provide a format for transforming Christian leaders with an injection of vision, skill development and inspiration for the sake of the local church.
Discipleship Project
Providing the opportunity for each and every Christ follower to be involved in a discipling process and then to disciple others.