
Hannah Sapigao

Status: Raising support
ID: 234013

Help Hannah disciple the youth, build up churches and spread the gospel in Estonia.

Monthly funding progress: 25%
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The first time Hannah went to Estonia was in 2022, she went to the town of Antsla to serve at a bible summer camp. It was at this summer camp that God opened her heart to the youth and children of Estonia. After this short-term mission trip, she continued to pray that the LORD would allow her to go back for a longer period of time. At the same time, the church in Antsla was also praying for a missionary to come to their location for a longer period. As Hannah continued to pray if this was the LORD’s direction for her life, He continued to open doors in this direction: meeting the different people and giving her peace about long-term ministry in Estonia. The LORD had made it clear to her that global ministry was where He wanted her.

She is excited to serve the LORD in Estonia and is thankful for his direction. She prays that the people of Estonia would come to know Jesus Christ and that leaders would be built up to disciple the coming generations. She hopes and prays that when she is in Estonia she will serve alongside the Christians there to build up their churches and raise the youth to come to know Christ and to experience true freedom in Him.

Estonia //  

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