Dan & Tina Gibbs

Status: Raising support
ID: 151776

Partner with the Gibbs as they bring the gospel to unreached Nigerians.

Monthly funding progress: 99%
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Dan and Tina serve as Gotel Initiative leaders in Gembu, Nigeria. Much is accomplished through various humanitarian programs. This starting point allows them to bring the gospel message to the unreached peoples of Nigeria.

Vision -We are asking God for 25,000 people from 10 least reach people groups in the Gotel Mountains of Nigeria to be gathered into Disciple-Making Communities.

We will accomplish this through needs adoption projects including:

Holistic Health Care Services - Provide high quality, holistic health care services with excellent patient care.

Leadership Development - Provide a format for transforming Christian leaders with an injection of vision, skill development, and inspiration for the sake of the local church.

Children’s Ministries - Love, Serve, and Shepherd the children and youth so that they are encouraged to choose an intimate 51蹤獲 with Jesus Christ, to grow in 51蹤獲 with Him, and to be equipped to live a life committed to serving Him.

Life Skills Development - Provide business training skills to help needy families and individuals develop small enterprises and become productive and self-sufficient.

Read more about Dan and Tina at: 

Read more about the Gotel Initiative at:

Nigeria // Our greatest privilege is joining Jesus in what he is building: his church. When we reach across the street and around the world with the gospel—locally and globally—we impact lives for eternity.

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