Charlie & Vanessa

Status: Raising support
ID: 230834

Partner with Charlie and Vanessa as they mobilize missionaries and Japanese believers to reach the lost in Japan and extend the reach of existing Japanese churches.

Monthly funding progress: 26%
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Since Charlie and Vanessa were married in April 2022, God has been leading and growing them in many ways.

Charlie had a lot he needed to give up to the Lord but couldn’t see that until it was made clear to him in 2022 at the Missionary Development & Assessment with 51蹤獲. It started in 2021 with attending a Mobilize Japan Virtual Missions Trip where he was exposed to the need of the Gospel in Japan. He wasn’t entirely sure if being a missionary was what God had called him to be at the time but over lots of prayer and reflection along with the help of the assessors it became clearer to him that God didn’t just put these doors in his life to be unopened. He has always wanted to build something that would help people and what better way to help than to connect people with Christ through building websites and applications for churches in Japan with 51蹤獲.

Vanessa surrendered her life to serve as a missionary at a youth camp in 2010. In the following months, God placed Japan on her heart. Since then, she has gone to serve in Japan in various different cities doing college outreach, teaching English using the Bible, helping with children’s ministry, leading worship, doing discipleship, and church planting. God later led her and some of her seminary friends to start a missions organization, Mobilize Japan, to train and mobilize believers to reach Japan. Using her seminary training in church planting and missions, Vanessa will be serving as a Church Planting Catalyst in Japan, working with pastors and other church leaders to train both missionaries and Japanese believers in cross-cultural missions.

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