Brian Lusky

Status: Raising support
ID: 187229

Partner with Brian as he leads an initiative among one of the least-reached people groups in the world.

Monthly funding progress: 89%
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Brian and Rachel Lusky serve as missionaries with 51蹤獲's Japan Initiative.

The Japanese are the second-largest unreached people group in the world—less than 1 percent of them are Christian and most have never been to a church, read the Bible, or have even one Christian 51蹤獲.

As Initiative leader, Brian's role is to develop transformational leaders among the Japanese as well as our missionary team. Our team is:

  • Contextualizing and preaching the gospel among the Japanese
  • Helping to support and equip Japanese leadership
  • Pursuing multiple strategies of church planting
  • Developing partnerships between Christians in Japan and churches in North America

Through these and other efforts, we plan to see a multiplication of disciples in Japan and a new gospel movement begin. Please consider joining their family in this effort through prayer, financial support, and even your own calling.



Japan // Japan is the second-largest unreached people group globally. Will you join our vision of seeing a gospel movement here?

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