
Drew & Jane

Secure Location
Status: On field
ID: 216866

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Monthly funding progress: 91%
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We are joining the Lord’s mission as the leaders of the Spice Islands Initiative with 51 International Ministries.

For decades God has prepared our hearts for this moment, and at His call, our response is ‘We will go.’ Jane’s heart for the lost has only grown since she lived in India as a missionary a decade ago, while my heart has grown pastorally through serving as an elder in our local church in Maryland. Our four girls are ready to follow us as we follow the Lord to lead the Spice Islands Initiative.


God calls us to go and our hearts are leaning in to follow Him. While most people wonder how hard it is going to be for us, we are ready to go wherever He leads. Our first calling is to build a team of ministry partners who will join us in reaching the people of the Spice Islands with the love of God. We are inviting individuals, families, and churches to partner with us in this calling. Join us in prayer as we anticipate the day when we are on the field proclaiming the good news of Jesus to the unreached.



We are asking God for gospel movements among each of the 234 least-reached people groups within the Spice Islands Initiative in our generation.



The Spice Islands are in an area of the world where the name of Jesus is not widely known and where 234 unique people groups are still unreached with the Gospel of Jesus. People are hungry for the Good News and the fields are white and ready for harvest. In the Spice Islands, ...




  • For our family as we transition
  • For additional sending partners
  • For the team already in the Spice Islands
  • That God would give us a clear vision for our team and the task before us


  • Our hope is not for supporters but partners. Rather than giving, join.
  • We will be your hands and feet in reaching the Spice Islands with the Gospel.
  • We will keep you informed of what is going on and how you can be praying.
  • To partner financially by clicking "Support Now"


  • God may call you or someone in your circle to join us. - Pray for and encourage them.
  • He may be calling you. - Listen to the call He has placed on you.

Secure Location // Due to security concerns, we are only able to show the hands that God will be using to reach the people of the Spice Islands.

Personal ministry funds

Donate to a missionary to help provide specific tools and equipment needed to advance local ministry.
Updates & progress
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