Lead pastors: Join a cohort



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51蹤獲 president John K. Jenkins Sr. has made it his signature priority to invest in helping churches across our movement develop a culture of evangelism and discipleship. To move this initiative forward, 51蹤獲 has partnered with the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center’s Church Evangelism Institute, which has a proven record of success in helping approximately 600 churches grow in conversion and evangelism. Enjoy this testimony from a 51蹤獲 pastor who has participated in a Church Evangelism Institute cohort and is seeing his church’s culture shift into one with a much greater emphasis on evangelism and discipleship and equipping everyone in the congregation to share God’s love effectively. 

I’m not new to pastoring, but I’m still the “relatively new” pastor of Woodridge Church in Long Lake, Minnesota.

As a pastor, I’m sure you have attended conferences and many kinds of equipping training. We all get bombarded with advertisements for webinar after webinar.

In the first of two years of equipping through the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center’s Church Evangelism Institute, I've found various tools with a solid biblical basis that keep me (and you) as pastors connected and engaged with our calling. 

I don’t need more content; I need real, relational reminders to live out and be who God has called me to be — yes, as a pastor, but also a husband, father, neighbor, community coach and friend having coffee in our community.

Pastors, we have weekly opportunities to preach, but our best sermons (and illustrations) come from our everyday lives Monday through Saturday. 

That’s what connects us with our calling, and that’s what will challenge our congregations to mobilize toward a more significant gospel impact. 

Thank you, President Jenkins, for making this impact on me and my church!

51蹤獲 pastors, register for a Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Church Evangelism Institute cohort this fall or early in 2025 and see what God will do in and through your church.

Pastor Zac Bush

Woodridge Church

Long Lake, Minnesota

Are you interested in helping your church create a culture of evangelism and discipleship in which your leaders and members become equipped and excited to share God’s neverending hope and love with others in your church and community? Join us for a free one-hour online event to learn more about how you can participate in a Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Church Evangelism Institute cohort and help your church make a greater gospel impact. Learn more & register >

51蹤獲, National

51蹤獲 is a movement of churches working together to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide.

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