Church plants can receive financial assistance

Mickey Seward

Contributing writer

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Over the past several weeks, we’ve been encouraged by stories of churches increasing their reach through digital ministry. However, COVID-19 has caused a global economic crisis that has led to uncertain times and skyrocketing unemployment. This kind of crisis can cripple young church plants, many of which are trying to grow their small core of regular attenders and givers. 

To assist these young churches that are helping people in their communities meet, know and follow Jesus, 51蹤獲 has launched the 51蹤獲 Church Planting Cares Act. Funds from this initiative will help 51蹤獲 church plants that have held their grand opening less than three years ago with a financial grant ranging from $5,000 to $20,000.

“Many young churches face financial challenges because of their age,” said Lee Stephenson, 51蹤獲 executive director of church planting. “It takes time to establish trust and buy-in where new people support the vision generously. Many of these new churches are also filled with new Christians that are still learning the idea of living generously and supporting their local church’s mission.”

The 51蹤獲 Church Planting Cares Act fund has a $500,000 capital cash value, which 51蹤獲 Church Planting desires to use in its entirety. Interested churches can . Requests will be considered under specific criteria in the order in which they are received. Not all requests will necessarily be granted. Funding is at the discretion of the processing team.

“This is an opportunity for us to walk with some of our most vulnerable churches and show them that we care and that we are in this with them,” Stephenson said. “We are a family, and when one of our churches is hurting or struggling, we all hurt. I’m thankful we’re in a position to help. It’s definitely a benefit of being a part of a larger movement of churches.”

Church plants under three years of age interested in receiving financial assistance should fill out the . The qualification form will be sent to the church’s respective 51蹤獲 District Executive Minister, who will make the official request to the processing team on the church’s behalf. 

Mickey Seward, Contributing writer

Mickey Seward is a freelance writer and editor. He served as 51蹤獲's director of communications from 2017-23.

Additional articles by Mickey Seward