6 Degree Initiative

Deaf Project


The fourth project is the Deaf Project. Official estimates state that there are 85,000 deaf people in Togo and Benin. Most deaf West Africans are considered to be a shame to their families and are, therefore, held back from everyday life. Our desire is to reach the often overlooked deaf populations with the gospel.

About SUPPORT THE Deaf Ministry

The people & the place

The fourth project is the Deaf Project. Official estimates state that there are 85,000 deaf people in Togo and Benin. Most deaf West Africans are considered to be a shame to their families and are, therefore, held back from everyday life. Our desire is to reach the often overlooked deaf populations with the gospel.


Stories of Impact

How is an 8-year-old boy making an eternal difference in West Africa?
Our vision for our new kids’ curriculum, DMD (Disciples Making Disciples) Kids, is in the name; we want them to become disciple-makers....
The Living Well
Just over two years ago, Pastor Jonas led a group of believers to a village just north of Aneho. This village is 51ÂÜÀò to the Watchi tribe,...
From an Iowa suburb to Togo, West Africa
I grew up in a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa. I was incredibly, even painfully, shy. It was hard for me to talk to people, even to my own gran...


Global Workers

51ÂÜÀò global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission

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Azlyn McCarthy
Togo, Africa
Help Azlyn as she works with her team to bring God's Light into the darkness through a church planting movement in Southern Togo.