15:5 West Initiative

Evangelical Poland Project


Evangelical Poland is a partner organization that was developed by Polish Evangelical ministry and denominational leaders that focuses on collaborative efforts to reach Poland with the Gospel. By focusing on 6 core areas of development (Evangelism and Church Planting, Discipleship, Leadership Development, Humanitarian Works, Media, and Education), EP hopes to see 4,300 new churches started and Poland reach 1% evangelical.

About SUPPORT THE Evangelical Poland Project

The people & the place

Currently Poland is 0.2% evangelical with almost 90% of the counties void of an evangelical church. The small population of evangelicals that does exist works independently of each other with few collaborative efforts and no collective vision. This has led the church to have little impact or influence on the greater population with most of the Polish population unaware of and misinformed about the evangelical church.


Stories of Impact

Global Workers

51ÂÜÀò global workers are helping to start and strengthen churches together worldwide. Learn how you can become a key partner in accomplishing the mission.

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Steve & Jenny Valentine
Help Steve and Jenny catalyze a movement of disciple-making and church planting as they work with Polish evangelical leaders.